Ken has passed the reigns for DeLorean Car Show to long time DeLorean community member, Tony Swann. Tony has renamed the organization "DeLorean Convention and Show" (DCS) for legal purposes and will be holding his first show in Springfield, Illinois on July 21-24th, 2016. For more information about this show and the 2016 raffle car, please visit, www.deloreanconventionandshow.com
Thank you for supporting DeLorean Car Show over the years, and good luck to Tony as he moves us into the next generation of exciting DeLorean events! |
• Fundraiser for Michel J Fox Parkinson’s Research Foundation’s ‘Team Fox’
• Sail the western Caribbean (port stops at a private island, Jamaica and Cozumel) from Fort Lauderdale, FL Nov. 7 - 14, 2015 Food & "private event" activities included in one per person price!
• Enchantment Under The Sea Dance with Harry Waters Jr. (Marvin Berry)
• $50.00 discount extended until May 15, 2015
• Exclusive behind the scenes presentation, Q & A with BttF celebrities
• Complimentary access to ‘Star Trek Convention at Sea’ on board (just added!)
• Amazing on board activities; fun zone, zip line, surf pool, ice rink, rock wall, et all
• Parkinson’s workshop with most recent research
• DeLorean club meeting on board!
• Dine with a celebrity
• Autographed photos, pocket flux capacitor and tee shirt included
Celebrities from the film series on board:
Marc McClure (Dave McFly)
Frances Lee McCain (Stella Baines)
Jeffrey Weissman (George McFly)
Harry Waters Jr (Marvin Berry)
Dean Cundey (Cinematographer)
Don Fullilove (Mayor Goldie Wilson)
Kevin Pike (FX Supervisor)
Andrew Probert (Storyboards/Art Design)
Download your booking form and join this once in a lifetime event exclusively at
BttFCruise.com CruisetoendParkinsons.com
DeLorean Car Show & Convention 2014
Dayton, Ohio
June 12 - 15th, 2014
The final DCS run by Ken Koncelik is now in the books! We had 159 DeLoreans in attendance, approximately 620 family and friends, including original DMC factory workers, cast and crew from "Back to the Future", and we raised several thousand dollars for the family of Cliff Schmucker, who the show was dedicated to this year.
Pictures from the event are viewable on Kevin Abato's facebook page, located here:
Grenex Media on Facebook
The winner of the 2014 raffle car is:
John Andersen of Missouri Valley, Iowa!
We will have photos of John with the car once it has been delivered.
Here are some excerpts from the Fairfield High School Show Choir production of "Back to the Future", which was performed with BTTF cast and crew in athe audience:
Remembering Cliff

We lost our dear friend and long-time supporter of the DeLorean Car Show, Cliff Schmucker, suddenly on May 26th, 2013 at the age of 58.
It is impossible to overstate how much Cliff has done for DCS over the years, but the show would not be what it is today if not for his involvement
Our sincerest condolences go out to his family and all those that he touched over the years. Rest in peace Cliff. You will be missed.
If you'd like to share a personal experience you had with Cliff, or just leave a condolence message, you can do so on our facebook page here.